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The 7 chakras - And how to balance them!

The 7 chakras - And how to balance them!

The 7 Chakras and how to balance them

Have you ever heard of the chakra system? The reaction to the system is mostly pretty polarizing. Either people love and embrace it or dismiss it as being a myth. I will divulge further on this to show the theory does hold water.
Chakras are intangible centres of energy that are situated at various points along your spinal column. There are seven main chakras that start from the base of your spine and extend to the top of your head. Can you imagine, some people believe you may have as many as 114 chakras...
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. The chakras are focal points, or spinning wheels if you like, of energy that work together to regulate your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra is linked to a certain attribute of your being. When not spinning optimally,  they manifest with a variety of physical and emotional symptoms.

The seven chakras

Let’s examine the seven chakras.
The root chakra is at the bottom of your spine. It governs your feeling of “being”; feeling secure and connected to the earth. The root chakra develops first and is the most significant one. When your root chakra is blocked, the other six will be unlikely to function properly.
The sacral chakra is just below your belly button. This one controls your passion, sexuality and creativity.
Your sense of confidence and self-image comes from the solar plexus chakra. The chakra is located at the top of your stomach and gave rise to the expression “fire in the belly”.
Your heart chakra is in the centre of your chest just above the heart. This regulates love and compassion.
Communication and your ability to express yourself come from the throat chakra.
The third eye is between your eyes and gives you intuition and imagination.
The seventh chakra is the crown. It is on top of the head and is your spiritual

Embrace your chakra health

If you're looking for a new way to revatise your physical and emotional health, then chakra health can be just the answer to your prayers. You can maintain your chakra function through, among others, exercise, meditation, emotional affirmation and crystals.
Incorporating chakra health into your daily routines will give you a new lease of life. Make room in your diary for exercises, whether yoga or external exercise such as walking or dancing.
Yoga poses are targeted to the muscle groups or organs surrounding each of the chakras. For instance, the lower chakras will benefit from poses that work the core muscles and pelvic floor area.  The heart chakra acts as a bridge between the lower, more physical chakras and the upper chakras the are more spiritual or emotional. Unblocking this chakra is done by literally opening the heart; a more upright posture or the camel pose in yoga.
For the throat and third-eye chakras use exercises that target the neck and pituitary gland area such as the camel or tree pose.
For the crown chakra, the balancing butterfly or headstand poses are recommended.
It's also beneficial to include crystal healing in your repertoire. The chakras are associated with the colours of the rainbow, starting with red at the base and moving up to violet at the crown.
These colours are represented by crystals or stones such as Red Jasper for the base chakra and amethyst for the crown.
Wearing or carrying these crystals will also work towards your chakra health.
Get back in control of your health; embrace your chakra health. Every day.    
Red Jasper
Natural Red Jasper

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